In response to Mr. Steffan, Larry Playfair

enough is enough!

June 8,00

Mr. Steffan, at what point is enough, enough? The town just recently purchased 206 acres off Ransom Road from an investor who made a bad investment. The town decided to take this property off the tax rolls and bailed out the properly owner. This property was added to our ample list of green space areas. This newly purchased plot of land is adjacent to another large parcel that Empire State Pipeline was talked into purchasing and donating to the town as green space, a good will gesture.

Mr. Steffan, if it is more “green space’~ you want, then you buy it. You can do with it what you want and it stays on the tax rolls. You’re happy and I’m happy. I am sick of seeing our taxes, as high as they are, and then watching our government take good taxable property like what just happened with the Ransom Road properly, and some years ago with the $450,000 purchase of the Bells property.

Centennial Park. Beaver Island. Buckhorn Park. Veterans Park. Nike Base, Eco island. Town Center Common area, the new purchase on Ransom Rd.. and the adjacent property. not enough? At what point will you and members of Quality Quest he happy?

I might he going out on a limb here, sir, but I would reckon it is the rest of the Islanders who are the “silent majority” - the ones who would appreciate a tax break. Purchasing more taxable property with our tax dollars is not helping reach that goal!


Larry Playfair