November 4, 1998

Rus Thompson Contracting

P.O. Box 1301

Grand Island, New York

716-775-7507 14072

Dear Grand Island Representative:

It has come to our attention that the following was recently reported in the Buffalo

Evening News by the candidates for leadership of the Seneca Nation; they insist that if

Governor Pataki wants to put anything other than casino gambling on the negotiation table,

such as taxing goods sold on the reservation to non Indians or the Seneca's land claim on Grand

Island, the nation would appeal for intervention by the Federal government. They would

consider this bargaining in bad faith.

This stance leaves the Grand Island community in an untenable position in hopes

of resolving the Seneca Land claim. Once again, we are being put in the middle with no avenue

for resolution. We respectfully request your active participation in resolving this issue to

alleviate the economic hardship experienced by your Grand Island constituents.

As a small remodeling contractor on Grand Island, in western New York, this law

suit has put unfair economic hardship on my family and small business. With the uncertain

future of our homes and land, repairs and improvements to residential and commercial

properties have been stifled. Real estate sales are down as is new construction. We need help,

help us to put an end to this unfair law suit so we can get back to our lives again. This has gone

on much to long, the elections are over, the time to act is now.

Thank you for your help.

Rus Thompson

member G.I. Chamber of Commerce

Re; Pres Clinton,

VP Gore

Gov Pataki

Sen Moynilian

Sen D'Amato

US Congress

County Legislature

County Executive

State Assembly

Justice Department

Rush Limbaugh